Despite all the non-Christmas things going on, we have still been very busy. Last Saturday as we were preparing to go to the Christmas party up at the KaNyamazane Branch, we received a text from our Branch President that his baby had been admitted to the hospital again with bronchial pneumonia. We stopped over to the hospital on our way out of town to see how we could be of help to Sister Sigauke, since she lives an hour and a half from home. After seeing what her needs were, we had just gotten on our way, when we got a call from our Elders that Trisha Mishale, from our branch, whose family has just moved to Barberton, an hour away, had been brought down by ambulance in the night for an emergency surgery. They had done a surgery last Friday at the Hospital in Barberton for appendicitis, and evidently things weren't going well and they had to rush her down here for another surgery. She was filled with infection. The Elders had given her a blessing earlier when they stopped. She was in a government hospital here in Nelspruit. After visiting there, we knew why the Mission Office told us that if we needed to go to the doctor, not to go to a government facility. Go to a private facility! We couldn't believe it when we walked into the hospital. It was like a step back in time to World War II with wards with 8 or more beds in a ward. The inside was dirty and unkempt. I called it the "creepy crawly place" That's just how you felt when you left. It felt like a prison because when you came into the parking lot, you had to fill out a paper and give them with info about who you were seeing, your name and address, phone number etc. It was hard to find the front door. When we finally found it, there was a guard at the door, once again asking us who we were there to see. Then he told us that visiting hours were from 2-3 and it was 4:45. We told him we came yesterday later than this and they let us in. We told him we were from her Church. He said, "Are going to give her a prayer?" He looked at our badges and then told us we could go, but to check in at the nurses desk before we went in. We thanked him and went on our way.
We attended the KaNyamazane Branch Christmas Party. They had a good time singing and dancing. While everyone was enjoying the activities, the men were at the Brais (bbq grills) cooking all the meat for the party. Later, the women dished up the plates for the meal. I helped with the food which consisted of Pap, pork and beans mixed with mayo for a sauce for the pap, green salad with oil dressing and chicken, spicy sausage links, and pork loin chops. They eat with their fingers and then rinse them off in a large tub of water. We had forgotten to bring forks, and didn't feel quite ready to dig in with our fingers, so we were glad to have to run to the hospital then. They sent a container of food with us which we ate later. The pap had really set up and hardened when we warmed it up. As you can see, a fork full picked up the whole helping. Unfortunately, that was still on our plates when we finished eating.
We had had a very hard rainstorm earlier in the afternoon. As we walked down a long hall of this government hospital, one of the ceiling sections was off and the roof was leaking a steady stream. The floor had about 2 inches of water standing, in which they had thrown down a couple of old blankets to absorb the water, but the ceiling was still leaking and there wasn't even a bucket to catch the water. It continued to run down the hall about 6 inches away from the wall. We took the stairs up to her room because we were afraid that the elevators might break down on the way. The stairs were so dirty, I'm sure they hadn't been swept or mopped for at least a month. Like I said, we just felt creepy and crawly just being in there. We felt bad for the girl to have to be there and no family close by to keep tabs on her or see about the kind of care she as getting. They all live too far away and have no money for petro or transport. Besides, her mom is taking care of her baby. This girl is the one who I made the blankets and burp clothes for. She was always grateful for our visits each day.
Then as we left the hospital, they stopped us at the gate and opened our trunk to be sure we weren't smuggling out something - like there was anything in there that anyone would want! It was an experience to be sure! One that I don't want to repeat anytime soon! We pass by there on our way to church or to town and I just get crawly thinking about it. Trisha was taken back to the hospital in Barberton on Thursday, and then they released her Saturday night. Her mom sent us a text and thanked us for being the answer to her prayers. She said since she couldn't be at the hospital, she kept praying that there would be someone who would stop by and check on her and be there to cheer her up. It made us feel good that we were the ones that the Savior was using to answer her prayers.
This is Sister Sigauke and her sweet baby. She was such a sweetheart during this whole ordeal. Even when the nurses were pounding her chest or back to help break up some of the congestion. She was always good to let me hold her while her mom put eye drops in her eye to help with the cornea problem.
President Sigauke's baby was released on Tuesday. Since he was at work and wouldn't be able to come down and get them until after he got off, and drive the hour and a half to get here then turn around and drive back, we offered to take her home. I hurried to make Italian chicken and rice so they would have some dinner when they got home. She was very appreciative. She had been in Joburg the week previous in the hospital because she was losing the sight in her eye that they had done a corneal transplant on a couple of years ago. Her body was starting to reject the transplant, so they had hospitalized her to see what was causing the bleeding behind her eye and try to remedy the situation and restore her sight. While she was there, her 2 girls were at her sister's house. The 4 year old came down with mumps from the outbreak we had in our branch, and her baby started in with bronchitis as well. They had only been home to Lydenburg part of a day when her baby was admitted to the hospital with bronchial pneumonia. Bottom line, it had been nearly 2 weeks since they had been home and together as a family. The drive to Lydenburg was an experience we hadn't planned on. It was a very mountainous, curvy road, and we drove through dense fog about 3/4 of the way.we could hardly see a car length ahead of us. We gained a greater appreciation for President Sigauke and the effort he has to put forth just to come down to run our Branch. It reminded me of Broc and the trips he would have to make to Roseau when he had to preside at their meetings. President called us later that evening to thank us for bringing her home so he didn't have to make the trip down.
So instead of rushing around in and out of stores trying to get gifts for everyone on our list, we have been running here and there to bring Christmas joy to people in need. On the Sunday that Sister Sigauke was at the hospital with her baby, as we were leaving the hospital, a young man came out of a room and chased us down the hallway. I had looked at the window of the room as we passed by, and noticed an isolette with a tiny baby lying there. The young man looked at our badges and the words "Jesus Christ". He said in very broken English and with a bit of a stutter, "Jesus Christ", could you say a prayer for my baby the next time you come?" Lynn asked if that was his baby in the room, and he responded, "Yes, he was born premature and went home but is having problems now." Lynn told him we could give him a blessing now. So we turned around and he went back and got President Sigauke, and he and President anointed the baby and Lynn gave him a blessing. The father was very thankful for our kindness. That night when we brought a robe and p j's over for Sister Sigauke, we stopped in to check on the baby. The mother was there and she also thanked us for the earlier "prayer". The next day as we passed by, we noticed baby had gone home. I thought as we left the hospital, "The gifts we are giving this year are the ones that don't need to be wrapped in Christmas wapping paper. These are the kind of gifts that the Savior would give.!"
How grateful we are to be able to be serving here in South Africa! We are not knocking on doors as the young Elders often times do, but we are still able to touch people's lives in a good way. This experience to serve has given this Christmas season a whole different meaning. It's what Christmas is all about. Though this post was started before Christmas, it is being finished after Christmas. We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and were able to enjoy time with your families and remember and be thankful for the real reason for the season and be grateful for all that our Savior has done for us and the blessing the Gospel bring into our lives. I know we certainly are!