Thanks for the little posts of the things that the kids are doing. It makes me be homesick for everyone. We get busy and involved in the work and this feels like home, but then we see pics of the kids, and the snow, and we know we're not there. We're not missing the snow, however. It was 71 today, but that is chilly for here. We've had quite a bit of rain the past week, but then it's spring here and the rainy season, so that's to be expected. When it rains, the temps drop considerably! The other day it was sweltering, then we had terrific thunder and lightening storms that night, and the next day I was wearing a sweater and knee highs! But we're definitely not missing the snow! We did miss the beautiful fall. The pictures that we saw were spectacular this year! I'm missing all my Halloween decorations as well. The only thing Halloween I have is some gummy red and white Frankenstein teeth, and I've eaten most of them. I haven't had time to make my Jack o lantern cookies. That's on my schedule for the first part of the week. I'm running out of time! Please post pics of the kids in their Halloween costumes. They don't celebrate Halloween here, however I did see some costumes in a store the other day. Nor do they celebrate Thanksgiving. Well, of course, that's an American holiday, but I've already been planning our dinner. There will be the other Sr. couple, their 3 family members who are coming for a visit in a few weeks, the two sets of Elders, and probably a prospective missionary member from our Branch. They are starting to get Christmas trees and decorations up in several of the stores. We may break down and buy a tree since we will be here for two Christmas's. I hate to think of that, because that sounds like forever, but the time is really going quickly. We have been out almost 2 months already!
Our last two weeks have really been busy lately with visits, and seeing about the Church and all the things that have had to be done since the break-in, plus getting ready for Mission Conference with Elder Holland.
We made another visit to the McCarthy's. Her husband is 2nd Counselor in the Branch Presidency, but hasn't been to church since we've been here. His wife is the 2nd counselor in the Primary. She's the one who had the Agina attack. The Branch Presidency decided to hold their meeting at his house, because his excuse for not being there was that he needed to stay with his wife. I had called to check on her, but no one had been there to bring in a meal or anything. I made cinnamon rolls for the meeting, and for their family. She was grateful, but felt quilty that she didn't know we were coming. She said when I hugged her frail body, "I may have to take you up on your offer to help with the ironing. I just can't keep up with everything." We visited in the kitchen while the men were holding their meeting. Her ironing board was set up, so I ironed while we visited. She actually needs a heart valve replacement, but they won't discuss it with her because they don't have insurance. With the faulty valve, she does a little and gets very tired and has trouble breathing. Her visiting teacher lives up the road, but rides her bike to and from work and it is dark when she gets home, so has just called her, but hasn't been over to see her. They live off the beaten path, up a dirt road filled with gullies, then thru a locked gate, and winds in and around an avacado orchard and thru another gate with 3 big dogs waiting for you as you enter. I definitely wouldn't come after dark either. I get nervous with Lynn driving when we go to see them and it's day light. She was embarrassed for me to do her ironing, but I was grateful for something to do rather than just sit! I was able to get most of it done with the exception of a few shirts and a pair of pants.
Since the break-in we have been after the owners to fulfill the agreement made 5 months ago about putting in a security system as agreed to when they raised the rent. They finally came and put the burglar bars on all the windows and painted the bars white to match the curtains on the windows. We took the curtains down and took them home to wash them. (They were horrid!) You could just feel the grime on them when you held them. We brought them back and got them rehung. Before we did, we had to scrape off the paint drippings under the bars and wash the windows. They did look nice after we got them done.
Because we had trouble with the video/audio problems on Sunday, Lynn did another practice test with the Area Technical person. We were at the Church nearly all day Monday - 5 hours. I don't know when I've seen Lynn so frustrated. No matter what he did, it still kept coming up "no signal" on the screen. The picture would come up on the computer, but would not project it onto the screen. He went to get 2 different cords, neither of which did any good. He was very frustrated by this time, because it was time to start the practice run with the Area Office, and it still wasn't working. Elder Howes called and together, they were able to finally get a picture projected onto the screen. Hooray!! Just keeping our fingers crossed that it will work on Thursday for the webcast of the Missionary Conference.
We felt badly that we weren't able to be in Johannesburg for the conference, but very grateful that we were able to have things working so we would see and hear the proceedings. I knew that when it was over at 5:30 pm, the Elders would be be hungry and still had appointments to go to. So in order to make it feel like the special meeting that it was, I decided to have a light dinner afterward. I made chicken noodle soup, and made two pans of cinnamon rolls to bake the next day. Sister Moss bought hard rolls to go with it. We had the soup in the crock pot and everything set up to eat after it was over.
(Finally continuing 5 days later. I started falling asleep) (Now Sunday night)
Wednesday, we felt like we needed to "take 5" after the turmoil of yesterday and trying to get web cast set up. We didn't have any visits scheduled because of all the busies of the upcoming conference, so we decided to take the Moss's and go to the Penryn College Christmas Market just to see whet they had, and to scope it out to see if it might be some place we could take President Omer's wife while he was doing training and interviews. It was very interesting. It is an annual fundraising that the school does every year. It isn't really a collge by our terms. It's a private school for preschool to 12th grade. They had many home made items from crafts, clothes, jewelry, food, etc. We decided it would be somewhere that Sister Omer would like to go. It was another drizzly, COOL, day, and since it was in a large barn-like structure, we were ready to go somewhere warm after a bit. Besides I needed to get home to work on the cinnamon rolls.
Thursday, I made the chicken noodle soup and baked the 2 pans of cinnamon rolls that I had put in the fridge the night before. We loaded up the car and headed for the church to get things set up for the webcast. By the time Sister Moss and I had the crock pot plugged in and the food set up, Elder Baxter had the equipment set up and going. Hooray!! Prayers answered again. It was a wonderful broadcast!! We were just sorry we weren't there in person to shake Elder Holland's hand, but very grateful that the equipment worked so that we could see and hear it.
The soup and rolls were a hit. We had also invited prospective missionaries from the KaNyamazane Branch as well as ours. Because the paper or plastic bowels here are so small -- only large enough to hold 2 scoops of ice cream, Lynn bought small containers with lids with the plan to use the lid as a saucer and the bowl for the soup. It worked great! When everyone got through and the Elders needed to leave for appointments, they filled their bowls again, put the lids on and had their own take away container. There was not a sniff of soup left in the extra large crock pot which was filled to the brim. Not a bad idea. I may have to incorporate that idea in the next family dinner we have, then I wouldn't have to lose all my plastic containers for take homes. haha
Friday morning we had district meeting which was very good. The district leader always does such a great job of teaching! I'm always so amazed at how proficient they are with their knowledge of the gospel and their ability to conduct classes and discussions that are uplifting to everyone.
When we finished with the meeting, Lynn and I vacuumed and dusted the church so it would be ready for the President to do his training and interviews the next morning. We finished and stopped to buy more electricity so we wouldn't run out for the weekend, then home for some quick lunce before a fast run to get groceries. ( I hadn't had time to do it earlier this week.) There were some things I needed for the chicken spread for the next day.
South Africa is interesting--They have tons of everything except the things that you need that you're used to using when you make things in the States. Celery--how strange is celery? We had to go to 2 different stores for that. Miracle Whip and Mayo--No such thing over here, at least not what we're used to using. We went to three stores and finallyl ended up with something that I hoped would work. Croissants - one package of 8 was all we could find, so to another store. None there, but they would special order and have them ready by 8:00 the next morning. Wonderful!! Now home to get the chicken spread made before it was time to go to dinner with the President and Sister Omer. They were to arrive around 6:00 and wanted to go over what appointments were lined up for the next day.
I had cooked the chicken before we left for District meeting, so I just started cutting up everything to go in it. When I opened the jar of Salad Dressing and tasted it before I ploped a large scoop into the chicken, frustration started in again! It tasted almost rancid or like something that had been sitting out in the sun all afternoon. Now what should I do? Lynn offered to go see what he could find. It was 5:00, we had already been to about 3 other stores, we had a dinner date in about an hour, but if he was willing to go, I told him to have at it. I continued to cut up the grapes and stir things together. The President called said they were checked in at the hotel and wondered if we had decided where we wanted to go eat. I told him I'd check with the Moss's and get back with him. After a phone call to them, I hurridly changed clothes and prayed that Lynn would be here soon, as we were to meet the President at 6:30 at the restaurant. At 6:15, Lynn walked in the door with 4 jars of " Whip - Sandwich Spread" with hopes that one of them would work. At least they were more white looking than yellow, like the one that we bought earlier. We walked to the Moss's and got on our way.
After a nice dinner with President and Sister Omer, we returned home to finish the chicken spread and make the carmelitas. And, yes, the white Sandwich Spread did taste more like Miracle Whip and worked fine. The chicken spread tasted like it usually does. We did up the dishes and went to bed so we could function the next morning.
I was up at 5:45, showered and got ready, made breakfast and Lynn was off to pick up the croissants at the bakery. I cut the watermelon and finished just as he came in the door with the croissants. They were still warm, and twice the size of the ones that we had bought yesterday. I don't know if I've ever seen 7 inch croissants! Oh, well, that's only half as many to spread. I had ordered two dozen and had just enough spread for that many rolls. (Pretty good judging! haha) Lynn left for his training with the President, and Sister Moss and I spread the croissants, cleaned up the dishes and loaded the car.
We got everything all set up buffet style, for lunch whenever anyone was finished and ready to to eat. We refrigerated the rolls and fruit and Lynn set them out when they were ready for them -- Chicken salad croissants, chips, watermelon, canteloupe, honey dew melon, carmelitas and ice water. At that point, Sister Moss, Sister Omer and I headed out for a few hours of ladies free time of random shopping - something we felt we had earned! Sister Omer truly enjoyed the "time off". She had had 18 missionaries at the Mission Home while they were there for the conference as well as 2 senior couples. Just cooking for that crew would be enough to make you want to run away! We had a truly enjoyable morning!
So, if you're feeling badly that I hadn't answered your emails this past week, now you know why. This has been somewhat typical of the kind of weeks that we've had lately. But we're enjoying it and glad that we have enough to keep us busy. Though we haven't been able to spend as much time with the members as we would have liked, we have been definitely been spiritiually fed and grateful to be able to be a part of this great work!
We love you all and miss you and love to hear about what's going on in your lives. We love to see pictures of the kids, since we went off without ours. So anything you can do about that would be great! We would love to skype with you if you have skype set up. But it would have to be morning your time, since we are 9 hours ahead of you, otherwise, it is 11:00 p.m. or later our time. Take care. Thanks for all your prayers in our behalf. Please know you are always in our prayers as well!